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Routine: FHZDOC


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  1. FHZDOC ; HISC/REL - Produce Documentation ;5/16/91 09:24
  1. ;;5.5;DIETETICS;;Jan 28, 2005
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. OP K G F I=1:1 S A=$P($T(PGMS+I),";",3,99) Q:A="" I @$P(A,";",2) S G($E(A,1,2))=A
  1. W !! Q:$O(G(""))="" S A="" F I=0:0 S A=$O(G(A)) Q:A="" W !?6,$P(G(A),";",1)
  1. O1 R !!?6,"Select Option: ",A:DTIME Q:'$T!("^"[A) I A'?2U W *7," Enter 2 Letters of Option" G O1
  1. I '$D(G(A)) W *7," ??" G O1
  1. S X=$P(G(A),";",3) K A,I,G D @X K X G OP
  1. PGMS ;;
  1. ;;FL First Line Listing;1;^FHZDOC1
  1. ;;DM Diagram Menus;1;^FHZDOC2
  1. ;;FF File List;1;EN1^FHZDOC3
  1. ;;FS File Security;1;EN2^FHZDOC3
  1. ;;PD Package Definition;1;EN3^FHZDOC3