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Routine: GMPLE9


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  1. GMPLE9 ; ISL - Problem List Env Chk for GMPL*2*9 ;10/10/96 11:01
  1. ;;2.0;Problem List;**9**;Aug 25,1994
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. E9 N Y S Y=$$VERSION^XPDUTL("LEX") W !!,"Patch GMPL*2*9 corrects Problem List routine GMPLUTL1 exported with the",!,"Lexicon Utility v 2.0"
  1. I +Y'>1 W !!," Could not find Lexicon Utility v 2.0. This patch should only be ",!," installed at sites using version 2.0 of the Lexicon Utility",! S XPDQUIT=1 Q
  1. I +Y>1,'$D(^LEX(757.01,0)) W !!," Lexicon Utility v 2.0 installed without data global. Please install",!," the Lexicon data global exported in HF LEX_2_0.GBL then restart ",!," this installation.",! S XPDQUIT=2 Q
  1. I +Y>1 W !!," Lexicon Utility v ",Y," installed --> Ok",!
  1. Q