GMPLP44I ; SLC/PKR - Update cross-references for Clinical Reminders Index. ;04/18/2014
Source file <GMPLP44I.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
AWRITE(REF) | ;Write all the descendants of the array.
CACR01 | ;Update the cross-reference for the .01 field.
CACRMT | ;Create the cross-reference for Mapping Targets multiple.
CACRSCT | ;Create the cross-reference for the SNOMED CT CONCEPT CODE.
CPROBXR | ;Create all the cross-references.
DCERRMSG(MSG,XREF) | ;Display cross-reference creation errors.
POST | ;Post-init
REINDEX | ;Rebuild the Problem List portion of the Clinical Reminders Index in
FileNo | Call Tags |