- GMPLY53 ;ISP/TC - Post Install Routine for GMPL*2.0*53;08/27/2020
- ;;2.0;Problem List;**53**;Aug 25, 1994;Build 159
- ;
- POST ; Post-install subroutine
- D BMES^XPDUTL(" Scanning Problem Selection lists for problems with inactive codes...")
- ;Remove the incorrect Provider Narrative screen.
- ;ICR #6256
- K ^DD(9000011,.05,12)
- K ^DD(9000011,.05,12.1)
- Q
- ;
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HGMPLY53 386 printed Feb 18, 2025@23:57:09 Page 2
- GMPLY53 ;ISP/TC - Post Install Routine for GMPL*2.0*53;08/27/2020
- +1 ;;2.0;Problem List;**53**;Aug 25, 1994;Build 159
- +2 ;
- POST ; Post-install subroutine
- +1 DO BMES^XPDUTL(" Scanning Problem Selection lists for problems with inactive codes...")
- +3 ;Remove the incorrect Provider Narrative screen.
- +4 ;ICR #6256
- +5 KILL ^DD(9000011,.05,12)
- +6 KILL ^DD(9000011,.05,12.1)
- +7 QUIT
- +8 ;