GMRAY17 ;SLC/DAN Post-init for patch 17 ;10/20/03 14:24
Source file <GMRAY17.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
Q | ;Entry point to queue process during install
DQ | ;Dequeue
POST | ;Post-init entry point
FIXDATE | ;Update origination date to get rid of trailing zeros. Problem was caused by a bug in XLFDT
CHECKOBS | ;Check observation data to make sure it's present and accurate
;Send message indicating post install is finished
FIXREACT | ;delete any sign/symptoms erroneously stored as -1
FileNo | Call Tags |
^GMR(120.8 - [#120.8] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^GMR(120.85 - [#120.85] | Classic Fileman Calls |