GMRCPURG ;SLC/DLT,DCM - Purge orders from the Order File 100 ;10/21/98 09:07
CPRSPURG(GMRCO) ;Purge File 100 record number from file 123 upon request from ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING
;Called from GMRCHL7A when HL-7 control code is GMRCTRLC="Z@"
;GMRCO=IEN from file 123 which is to have file 100 pointer deleted
Q ; This functionality will be introduced with a later patch
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HGMRCPURG 445 printed Dec 13, 2024@01:46:57 Page 2
GMRCPURG ;SLC/DLT,DCM - Purge orders from the Order File 100 ;10/21/98 09:07
+1 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**1**;DEC 27, 1997
CPRSPURG(GMRCO) ;Purge File 100 record number from file 123 upon request from ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING
+1 ;Called from GMRCHL7A when HL-7 control code is GMRCTRLC="Z@"
+2 ;GMRCO=IEN from file 123 which is to have file 100 pointer deleted
+3 ;
+4 ; This functionality will be introduced with a later patch
+5 ;