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Routine: GMRCSLM1

Package: Consult Request Tracking

Routine: GMRCSLM1


GMRCSLM1 ;SLC/DCM - Gather data and format ^TMP global for consult tracking Silent call for use by List Manager and GUI ;10/9/01 23:12

Source Information

Source file <GMRCSLM1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SVC(NODE) ;Check for a valid service
AD ;Main entry point. Loop through AD x-ref in file 123; Find consults that have been released to requested service
SET ;;Format entries into a word processing 'TMP("GMRCR",$J,"CS",' global that List Manager can display
SERVPROC ; Build contents of SERV/PROC field for List Manager
BUILD1 ;OTXT does contain information
BUILD2 ;OTXT contains no information

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^GMR(123.3 - [#123.3] GET1^DIQ
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