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GMRCUTIL ;SLC/DCM - Utilities for formatting word procesing fields and setting into ^TMP("GMRCR" globals for use by List Manager routines ;4/30/98 10:47

Source Information

Source file <GMRCUTIL.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
GSET(LN,GLOB,J1,FLG) ;Set the word processing formatted local array WP() fields into the ^TMP Global.
; LN: Line in the ^TMP global where the data is to be placed. LN is
; incremented and passed back to the calling routine so that it
; can set data into the next global node as needed.
; GLB: The ^TMP global where the data is to be placed.(i.e.,
; ^TMP("GMRCR",$J,"CS").
; J1: The last entry in the WP array. It is passed back to the
; calling routine so that WP(J1) can be concatenated to the next
; line, if necessary
; FLG: If the first line of the the data in WP needs to be formatted
; differently than succeeding lines, FLG signals this fact by
; being passed as FLG=1; otherwise, FLG is passed as FLG=0.
; LINE: The line of text that needs to be broken into 80 column
; or less lines for printing on the screen.
; GMRCSL: This is the desired line length, to break LINE into; i.e.
; 60, 70, or 80 columns (or smaller/larger) for screen display.
WPSET(GLOBAL,TMPGBL,LINE,LNO,TAB,FLG) ;Set the lines into a the ^TMP global in word-processing format.
; GLOBAL: Global where data is comming from.
; TMPGBL: Global where formatted data is being placed
; LINE: Line is passed because it may contain some data already.
; If it does, it is concatenated to the data from GLOBAL.
; LNO: This is a counter to where the next line of data should
; be set in TMPGLOBAL. It is incremented and passed back
; to the calling routine so it knows where the next piece
; of data is to be placed in TMPGBL.
; TAB: A string of spaces concatenated to the data in TMPGBL
; that acts like a tab character. TAB is passed to GSET.
; FLG: If the first line of data is not tabbed, then FLG is
; passed as FLG=1 and no tab character is concatenated to
; this line. If FLG=0, then the data is tabbed.
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