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Routine: GMRCYP5

Package: Consult Request Tracking

Routine: GMRCYP5


GMRCYP5 ;SLC/DLT - Consult patch 5 pre-init ;9/8/98 03:52

Source Information

Source file <GMRCYP5.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;Load protocols in GMRCR namespace into the PROCEDURE TYPE multiple
SETFL ;Setup the protocol procedures in the service file based on FILE LINK
FILE101(SVC,X) ;load the protocol entry as a PROCEDURE TYPE for the service
DELPROC ;Delete protocols from 123.5 and start over.
SETPKG ;reset PACKAGE field if not set
DISABLD ;clear inadvertant DISABLE flag
DELDUPS ;clean up duplicate entries in PROCEDURE TYPE multiple

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DIC(9.4 - [#9.4] FIND1^DIC
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