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Routine: GMTSUP1


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  1. GMTSUP1 ; SLC/JER,KER - Utilities for Paging HS ; 09/21/2001
  1. ;;2.7;Health Summary;**28,29,47**;Oct 20, 1995
  1. ;
  1. ; External References
  1. ; DBIA 10102 DISP^XQORM1
  1. ; DBIA 10026 ^DIR
  1. ;
  1. RJUMP ; XQOR for "^^"-jump is no longer supported
  1. N GMDFN,GMTSAV W !,"Jumping not allowed.",! H 1 G RETURN
  1. RETURN ; Return to Health Summary without Jump
  1. W:$G(GMTSAV)'["?" !,">>> Returning to Health Summary",! H 1
  1. Q
  1. HELP ; Offers help to confused individuals
  1. W @IOF
  1. I X="?",GMTSTYP=TYP W "These components have been selected for Ad Hoc.",! S FLG=1 D LIST K FLG Q:$D(DTOUT) D HELP1 W ! Q
  1. I X="?",GMTSTYP'=TYP W "These components are part of ",GMTSTITL," Health Summary Type",!,"or have been temporarily added. Added components are indicated by *.",! S FLG=2 D LIST K FLG Q:$D(DTOUT) D HELP1 W ! Q
  1. I X="??" W "These components may be temporarily added (use ""=C"" to change limits)." D DISP^XQORM1 W !!
  1. I X="???" D HELP2
  1. Q
  1. HELP1 ; Writes part of help prompt
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "To leave display order and jump to a different component, select any component",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "from the above list, or select any additional component to be temporarily",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "added to the display. Add ""=C"" to component to change limits or selection",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "items. EXAMPLE: LO=C",!!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "Enter: ?? to see additional components.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?7,"??? to see HELP for ""^^""-jump.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?7,"<RET> to continue display.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?7,"+ to proceed to next component.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?7,"- to return to preceeding component.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?7,"^ to quit present patient's summary.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?7,"^^ to quit and return to menu.",!!
  1. Q
  1. HELP2 ; Help for "^^"-jump
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?22,"Navigation OUTSIDE of Health Summary",!!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "You may also enter ""^^"" followed by the name, partial name or synonym for",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "any of a variety of options OUTSIDE of Health Summary to which you can",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "jump. Partial matches will allow you to select from a subset of options.",!!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "For example: ^^? will list ALL available options.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?14,"^^PN will show you all of the PROGRESS NOTES options, or",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W ?14,"^^OR will show you all of the ORDER ENTRY options.",!!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "You may also order a wide variety of LABORATORY tests using this syntax.",!
  1. D SCRNLNTH Q:$D(GMQUIT) W "e.g., ^^CHEM 7 will allow you to ADD an order for that test.",!!
  1. Q
  1. LIST ; List components
  1. Q
  1. SCRNLNTH ; Checks screen length
  1. N DIR
  1. Q:$Y'>(IOSL-4)
  1. S DIR(0)="E"
  1. D ^DIR I $S($D(DUOUT):1,$D(DTOUT):1,1:0) S GMQUIT=""
  1. W:'$D(GMQUIT) @IOF
  1. Q
  1. LIST1 ; Lists component information
  1. N CREC S CREC=^GMT(142.1,$P(GMTSEG(GMI),U,2),0)
  1. W:GMI#2 ! W ?$S(GMI#2:0,1:40) D:FLG=2 STAR W $P(CREC,U,4),?$S(GMI#2:8,1:48),$E($S($L($P(GMTSEG(GMI),U,5)):$P(GMTSEG(GMI),U,5),$L($P(CREC,U,9)):$P(CREC,U,9),1:$P(CREC,U)),1,24)
  1. Q
  1. STAR ; Writes * to indicate added component when called by GMTSUP
  1. ; for HST other than AD HOC
  1. W $S($D(^GMT(142,TYP,1,"C",$P(GMTSEG(GMI),U,2))):" ",1:"*")
  1. Q