HLCSRPT5 ;OIFO-O/LJA - Error Listing code ;3/18/02 10:19
Source file <HLCSRPT5.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ERRRPT | ; Format a report line (Moved here by HL*1.6*85 from HLCSRPT2)
PROCDT(IEN773) | ; Return 773'S processing date (1st), or if not available
; return the 772 creation date/time. ;HL*1.6*85 |
DTORTM(DTB,DTE,PDT) | ; Show date or time?
TM(PDT) | ; Show the 5 character hh:mm time
DT(PDT) | ; Show the 8 character mm/dd/yy date
INFO | ; If TYPEINFO=Error Type, reset HLCSY. (Called from ERRRPT^HLCSRPT4) - HL*1.6*85
; HLCSJ,HLCSRNO -- req |
MSGEVN(IEN773,PCE) | ; Return MSG~EVN piece (PCE)...
EOR | ;HLCSRPT5 - Error Listing code ;3/18/02 10:19