HLPAT54 ;CIOFO-SF/RJH - HL7 PATCH 54 PRE&POST-INIT ;10/26/99 12:46
Source file <HLPAT54.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PRE | ;
PRE1 | ;
PRE2 | ;
PRE3 | ;
PRE4 | ;
PRE5 | ;
PRE6 | ;
CHANGE1 | ; change event entries from "X01" to "P07", from "B01" to "PC1",
; and from "G01" to "PC6" |
CHANGE2 | ; change message entries from "ERQ" to "RQQ", from "ROD" to "RQP",
; and from "VTQ" to "VQQ" |
EVN | ; find duplicate entries in file #779.001(Event Type)
MSG | ; find duplicate entries in file #771.2(Message Type)
PTR101 | ; resolve pointers for file #101
PEVN(HLIEN) | ; resolve event pointer
PMSG(HLIEN) | ; resolve message pointer
PTR773 | ; resolve pointers for file #773
PTR771 | ; resolve pointers for sub-field #771.06,.01 of field #771,6
DELETE | ; delete duplicate entries in file #779.001 and #771.2
IDOFF | ; disable identifier for file #779.001 and #771.2
POST | ;enable identifier for file #779.001 and #771.2
FileNo | Call Tags |
^ORD(101 - [#101] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^HL(771.2 - [#771.2] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^HLMA - [#773] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^HL(779.001 - [#779.001] | Classic Fileman Calls |