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Routine: HLTPCK2A

Package: Health Level Seven

Routine: HLTPCK2A


HLTPCK2A ;SF/RSD - Message Header Validation (Con't) ;09/24/2008 17:11

Source Information

Source file <HLTPCK2A.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
MT ;Validate message type
AT ;Determine if message is an acknowledgement type
AAT ;Validate accept ack type and application ack type
RA ;Validate receiving application
SA ;Validate sending application
VN ;Validate version number
; patch HL*1.6*142
; do not check version number of commit ACK because the batch commit ACK
; does not have version number in it.
ET ;Event Type Checks
; patch HL*1.6*120 - de-escape delimiters
; (assuming "\" is the escape character):
; - field separator (de-escape from \F\)
; - component separator (de-escape from \S\)
; - repetition separator (de-escape from \R\)
; - escape character (de-escape from \E\)
; - subcomponent separator (de-escape from \T\)
; \F\ will be de-escaped only if the length of FS is 1.
  • ICR #6800
    • Status: Pending
    • Usage: Private
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