HLUCM003 ;CIOFO-O/LJA - HL7/Capacity Mgt API-II ;10/23/01 12:01
Source file <HLUCM003.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ADJTIME | ; Adjust ^TMP times on basis of unit...
ADJPAR(IENPAR) | ; Adjust times for one unit...
RECNM(PFX,IEN772,FULLNM,REPNM,SRCE) | ; Record where name found...
; PFX - [n] for namespace, and [p] for protocol ; IEN772 - IEN of 772 ; FULLNM - What is in entry itself, uninferred... ; REPNM - What is to be reported ; SRCE - Where it was inferred from |
MSH772(IEN772) | ; Get PCKG from MSH segment in 772...
; Call here ONLY if can't get MSH segment from 773... |
MSH773(IEN772) | ; Get PCKG from MSH segment in 773...
INOUT(IEN772) | ;
PCKGMSH(MSH,INOUT) | ; Extract PCKG namespace from MSH segment
ERRCHK | ; Error checks...
SETMORE | ; More defaults...
; ; Check format of PNMSP... ; If not passed by reference... |
FIXNMSP(PCKG,I772) | ; First space piece, strip _
CTPCKG(PCKG) | ; Should entry be counted on basis of package?
; (Might be countable if protocol matches remember.) ; If list of packages passed by reference, is PCKG in array? ; IEN101,NMSPTYPE,PNMSP -- req |
CTPROT(PROT) | ; Should entry be counted on basis of protocol?
; (Might be countable if package matches remember.) ; IEN,PROTYPE -- req |
EOR | ; HLUCM003 - HL7/Capacity Mgt API-II ;10/23/01 12:01