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Routine: HLUCM009

Package: Health Level Seven

Routine: HLUCM009


HLUCM009 ;CIOFO-O/LJA - HL7/Capacity Mgt API-II ;2/25/03-08:50

Source Information

Source file <HLUCM009.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
IEN870(IEN772) ; Given 772 find 870...
MSGTYPE(IEN772) ; MSG or MSA's type...
KILLS(WHEN) ; Kills of ^TMP data WHEN (START or END or ALL)
SITESMSH(TXT) ; Return location pieces, slightly modified...
MAILTYPE(MIEN) ; Is MSH in Mailman message local or remote...
NMSPXRF ; Xref of namespaces that can be inferred. (If start with DG change to DG)
LOAD772S(IEN772,HLNMSP) ; Load list of related 772s... [HL*1.6*91]
HOLDTOT(IEN) ; Accumulate...
SETUP() ; Perform checks, which can return error conditions, and
; set up variables for $$LOOP. This extrinsic function returns
; "" if no errors, or the # errors found. (Note that error
; details placed in ERRINFO(ERROR-REASON)="")
SETDEF ; Set various defaults...
FINDWAY ; How were NMSP and PROT passed? By reference? (If so, return 1)
; Passed by reference?
MSGID(MSGID) ; Search forward for MSA's to this MSGID...
ERRMOVE(IEN772) ; Move all associated data out of ^TMP's totaling arrays
EOR ;HLUCM009 - HL7/Capacity Mgt API-II ;2/25/03-08:50
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