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Package: Enterprise Health Management Platform




Source Information

Source file <HMPDJFSM.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ADDPT(PAT) ; Add patient to server
GETPAT() ; Return DFN for a patient
HLTHCHK(ARGS) ; check health of VistA Server subscription
; called by:
; API^HMPDJFS: asynchronous extracts & freshness via stream
; calls:
; SETERR^HMPDJFS: log error
; $$HLTHINFO = progress for this domain
; $$HLTHHDR = JSON header for progress report
; input:
; .ARGS("server") = HMP Server Id
; also these, created by API^HMPDJFS, passed thru symbol table:
; HMPFRSP = [unused?]
; HMPFHMP = server name
; HMPSYS = system id
; output: in ^TMP("HMPF",$job,node): list of active extracts
; {pid="ABCD;229",domainsCompleted=8,domainsPending=20,
; objectCount=137,subscribeTime=20140609112734,
; extractStatus="initializing"}
HLTHINFO(SRV,SRVIEN,DFN) ;function, return domain progress in JSON
; called by:
; input:
; SRV = name of server, to use in ^XTMP subscripts
; SRVIEN = record # in file HMP Subscription (800000)
; DFN = record # in file Patient (2)
; output = string of JSON reporting progress for this domain
; {pid,domainsCompleted,domainsPending,objectCount,queuedTime,
; phase(waiting,extracting)
HLTHHDR(COUNT) ; function, domain-progress header (health header) as JSON
; COUNT = total # items
; HMPSYS = system id (in symbol table)
LSTREAM(SRV) ;function, latest stream for this server
; called by:
; EVTS^HMPEQ: return events for server's last stream
; SRV^HMPEQ: process one server
; calls: none
; input:
; SRV = ien of server in file HMP Subscription (8000000)
WAIT(BATCH) ; function, number of seconds the batch has been waiting
; called by:
; SRV^HMPEQ: process one server
; BATCH = extract batch in ^XTMP
LOBJ(BATCH,TASK) ;function, last item in domain or <finished> if none
; called by SRV^HMPEQ process one server
; BATCH = extract batch
; TASK = extract-batch task id
GETSRV() ;extrinsic variable, interactive protocol HMPM EVT QUE CHANGE SERVER [Change Server]
; called by:
; protocol unwinder
; output = IEN of server to monitor
EMERSTOP ; protocol HMPM EVT QUE EMERGENCY STOP [not distributed]
; called by:
; protocol unwinder
; user selects a domain to stop freshness updates
; Emergency Stop for Freshness
RSTRTFR ; protocol HMPM EVT QUE RESTART FRESHNESS [not distributed]
; called by:
; protocol unwinder:
; user selects a domain to resume freshness updates
; Re-start freshness updates
SETFRUP(START) ; set flag for freshness updates
; called by:
; input:
; START = 0 to stop, 1 to resume
; user selects a domain to stop or resume freshness updates
; output:
; freshness updates stopped or resumed for selected domain
CHGFTYP(TYPE,ACTN) ; change the freshness update flag for a type
; input:
; TYPE = domain to change
; ACTN = 0 to stop, 1 to resume
STOPFTYP(DMN) ; stop freshness updates for domain, DMN = domain to stop
; create ^XTMP zero node if needed, save data for 30 days
STRTFTYP(DMN) ; resume freshness updates for domain, DMN = domain to resume
GETFTYP(DMNLST,ACTN) ;function, select & return domain from list, DMNLST passed by ref.
; input:
; DMNLST(domain name) = "" for all selectable domains
; ACTN = 0 to stop, 1 to resume
; user prompted to select a domain
SHOWFTYP(DMNLST) ; show freshness domains
; DMNLST(domain name) = "" for all selectable domains, passed by ref.
EVNTYPS(LIST) ; protocol HMPM EVT QUE CHANGE DOMAIN [Change Domain], LIST passed by ref.

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Patient "_PAT_" already synched."
  • Line Location: ADDPT+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,Y
  • Line Location: ADDPT+12
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"WARNING! This will stop freshness updates for the HMP."
  • Line Location: SETFRUP+11
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !," It will be necessary to re-synch patient data.",!
  • Line Location: SETFRUP+12
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"This will --RESUME-- freshness updates for the HMP."
  • Line Location: SETFRUP+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"It may be necessary to re-synch patient and operational data.",!
  • Line Location: SETFRUP+15
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Stopping freshness updates for: "_DMN
  • Line Location: STOPFTYP+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Resuming freshness updates for: "_DMN
  • Line Location: STRTFTYP+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Choose domain to "_P_". (* "_P_"s all): "
  • Line Location: GETFTYP+10
Function Call: READ
  • Variable: X
  • Timeout: DTIME
  • Line Location: GETFTYP+11
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " "_T
  • Line Location: GETFTYP+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " ??",!
  • Line Location: GETFTYP+15
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,Y
  • Line Location: SHOWFTYP+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,Y
  • Line Location: SHOWFTYP+8

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^HMP(800000 - [#800000] Classic Fileman Calls
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