HMPDMDC ;SLC/MKB,DP,ASMR/RRB - CLiO extract;8/2/11 15:29
Source file <HMPDMDC.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(DFN,BEG,END,MAX,ID) | ; -- find patient's observations
EN1(GUID,CLIO) | ; -- return an observation in CLIO("attribute")=value
XML(OBS) | ; -- Return observation as XML in @HMP@(#)
LOOP() | ; -- build sub-items string from NAMES and X
ADD(X) | ; Add a line @HMP@(n)=X
QRYPT(HMPRET,HMPDFN,HMPFR,HMPTO,HMPSTAT) | ; List of observations by pt, datetime, status
QRYOBS(HMPRET,HMPID) | ; Return a single observation
QRYQUAL(HMPRET,HMPIEN) | ; Returns the qualifiers for obs in HMPIEN
; We do NOT want to kill HMPRET here because it points at the parent node of the return |
QRYCTX(HMPRET,HMPID) | ; We need a terminology based context observation relationship here
QRYTYPES(HMPRET) | ; Return the terminology Term Types
FileNo | Call Tags |
^MDC(704.101 - [#704.101] | FIND1^DIC, GET1^DIQ |
^MDC(704.117 - [#704.117] | FIND1^DIC, GET1^DIQ, GETS^DIQ |