HMPDTIU ;SLC/MKB,ASMR/RRB - TIU extract;Nov 23, 2015 18:02:20
Source file <HMPDTIU.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(DFN,BEG,END,MAX,ID) | ; -- find patient's documents
ENQ | ; end
EN1(HMPX,DOC) | ; -- return a document in DOC("attribute")=value
CATG(DA) | ; -- Return a code for document type #8925.1 DA
LR() | ; -- Return ien of Lab class
SIG(X) | ; -- Return Signature Block Name_Title
RPT(HMPY,IFN) | ; -- Return text of document in @HMPY@(n)
TEXT(IFN) | ; -- Get document IFN text, return temp array name
XML(DOC) | ; -- Return patient documents as XML
LOOP() | ; -- build sub-items string from NAMES and X
ADD(X) | ; Add a line @HMP@(n)=X
SETUP | ; -- convert FILTER("attribute") = value to TIU criteria
; Expects: FILTER("category") = code (see $$CATG) ; FILTER("loinc") = LOINC ; FILTER("status") = 'all','completed','unsigned' ; Returns CLASS,[SUBCLASS,TITLE,SERVICE,SUBJECT,STATUS] |
MATCH(DOC,SBCLSS,SRVC,SBJCT,NTSBJ) | ; Boolean function, Return 1 or 0, if document matches search criteria
; DOC - IEN in TIU DOCUMENT file (#8925) ; SBCLSS - subclass ; SRVC - service ; two pointers to TIU LOINC SUBJECT MATTER DOMAIN (#8926.2): ; SBJCT - subject to include, NTSUBJ - subject to exclude |
MQ |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^TIU(8925 - [#8925] | GET1^DIQ |
^TIU(8925.1 - [#8925.1] | GET1^DIQ |
^TIU(8926.1 - [#8926.1] | GET1^DIQ, GETS^DIQ |