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Routine: HMPJSON

Package: Enterprise Health Management Platform

Routine: HMPJSON


HMPJSON ;SLC/KCM,ASMR/RRB - Decode/Encode JSON;9/25/2015 10:15

Source Information

Source file <HMPJSON.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ENCODE(VVROOT,VVJSON,VVERR) ; VVROOT (M structure) --> VVJSON (array of strings)
; Examples: D ENCODE^HMPJSON("^GLO(99,2)","^TMP($J)")
ESC(X) ; Escape string for JSON
UES(X) ; Unescape JSON string
ERRX(ID,VAL) ; Set the appropriate error message
; switch (ID) -- XERRX ends statement
XERRX ; end switch
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