HMPTFU2 ;ASMR/JCH,CK,DKK - Utilities for the Treating Facility file 391.91 ;Apr 27, 2016 10:35:07
Source file <HMPTFU2.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
TFL(LIST,PT) | ;for this PT [patient] (either DFN, ICN or EDIPI) return the list of treating facilities
; CALLED FROM RPC HMP LOCAL GET CORRESPONDINGIDS ; PT values : Source ID^Source ID Type^Assigning Authority^Assigning Facility ; ICN example: 1008520438V882204^NI^USVHA^200M ; DFN example: 100000511^PI^USVHA^500 ; EDIPI example: 852043888^NI^USDOD^200DOD |
GETICN(EDIPI) | ;return the ICN when EDIPI is passed
QUERYTF(PAT,ARY) | ;a query for Treating Facility.
SET(TFIEN,ARY,CTR) | ;This sets the array with the treating facility list.
; Ex ARY(1)=<ID> ^ <ID TYPE> ^ <Assigning Facility> ^ <Assigning Authority> ^ <ID Status> |
TF2SITEN(TFIEN) | ;Find the DOMAIN associated with the TREATING FACILITY and return the station number.
RPC Name | Call Tags |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DIC(4 - [#4] | FIND1^DIC, GET1^DIQ |