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Routine: IB20P385

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IB20P385


IB20P385 ;OAK/ELZ - POST INIT ROUTINE FOR IB*2*385 ;5/15/2013

Source Information

Source file <IB20P385.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; need to make sure we can find the CD entry for 354.1 before we can
; install.
CDFIX ; - need to find the CD entry in file 354.1 and update the code so it is
; a 2 digit code, going to use 70 since IB ignores that code if passed
; in by the DG package
KIDSVFA ; - entry for KIDS doing the VFA clean-up to know to output status bar
VFA ; - clean up since VFA is effective in the past
CANCEL(DFN,IBXX) ; cancel charges from date of last active exemption
MES(X,T) ; - display message
RESTART ; - unadvertised entry to restart process from last XTMP patient
DFN(DFN) ; saves DFN into XTMP
UP354(DA,IBDT,IBSTAT,IBEXREA) ; -- calling out separate to update 354

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"CATASTROPHICALLY DISABLED entry in file 354.1 not found!!"
  • Line Location: ENV+5

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^IBA(354 - [#354] Classic Fileman Calls
^IBA(354.1 - [#354.1] Classic Fileman Calls
^IBE(354.2 - [#354.2] Classic Fileman Calls
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