Source file <IBAMTD2.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
APM() | ; Analyze patient movement to see if Means Test charges were effected.
; Input: DFN -- Pointer to patient in file #2 ; DGPMP -- Oth node in file #405 prior to change ; DGPMA -- Oth node in file #405 after the change ; Output: 0 -- No effect on Means Test charges (no bulletin) ; 1 -- Means Test charges were effected (send bulletin) |
APMQ | ||
CHG(DFN) | ; Were any Means Test Charges Billed for this Admission?
; Input: DFN -- Pointer to patient in file #2 ; Output: 1 -- Charges have been billed for the admission ; 0 -- Charges have not been billed for the admission |
SET | ; Set Before/Afters for the mvmt date and treating specialty
CHK | ; Check for changes in the movement date or treating specialty.