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Routine: IBATEP

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBATEP



Source Information

Source file <IBATEP.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ; Entry point for Rx Transfer Pricing.
; Required Pharm 7.0 and Patch PSO*7*27 (Give us the new MSG(6) node)
; Only select records that are return to storage or released
IBDETM(X) ; Check to see if we have a original or refill
; if original return 0|0 or 1 ^the node ^TMP("PSOR",$J,RXIEN,0)
; if refill return n=refill#|0 or 1^the node ^TMP("PSOR",$J,RXIEN,"REF",n,0)
; piece 1 0|0 means we have a original fill and released from stock
; piece 1 0|1 means we have a original fill and returned to stock
; ==========================================
; If this is a refill return the following:
; piece 1 (n|0 or 1) where "n" is the refill number and
; 0="released from stock" and 1="returned to stock"
; ==========================================
; all other conditions return "Q"
; Note: You need to Invoke EN^PSOORDER first
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