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Routine: IBAUTL8

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBAUTL8



Source Information

Source file <IBAUTL8.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; Determine if the Copay charge currently being reviewed should be passed over to Accounts Receivable (AR)
; Input:
; IBDFN = Pointer to the Patient in file #2
; IBN = Pointer to the charge in file #350
; IBINTACT = Optional - Flag to indicate when the call is being made from an interactive option.
; 1:Interactive
; For Interactive call, the IEN of the existing copay charge will be passed
; back and this info will be used to display an error message for the
; Release Charges 'On Hold' [IB MT RELEASE CHARGES] option and the Pass a Charge
; action on the Cancel/Edit/Add Patient Charges [IB CANCEL/EDIT/ADD CHARGES] option.
; 0:Non-Interactive
; For Non-Interactive calls, duplicate copay transaction information
; will be stored in ^XTMP("IB TRANS").
; At the end of the IB nightly background job, any duplicate copay info in
; ^XTMP("IB TRANS") will be sent via MailMan to the IB DUPLICATE TRANSACTIONS mail group.
; Perform checks for a new Outpatient Copay charge to determine if this charge should be passed over to AR.
; Input:
; IBN = Pointer to Outpatient Copay charge currently being reviewed in the INTEGRATED BILLING ACTION (#350) file
; IBEVDT = Event Date for the charge currently being reviewed in the INTEGRATED BILLING ACTION (#350) file
; IBACTION = Passed by reference. Passed in as 0:Pass to AR
; IBINTACT = Optional - Flag to indicate when the call is being made from an interactive option.
; 1:Interactive
; 0:Non-Interactive
; For more info see COPAYCHK above
; Output: IBACTION = 0 if the current charge being reviewed should be passed over to AR
; # The IEN of the existing Copay charge for the Patient/Date of interest.
; The charge being reviewed should NOT be passed over to AR.
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