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Routine: IBCE277S

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCE277S


IBCE277S ;ALB/JRA - Create MailMan message from 277STAT data array

Source Information

Source file <IBCE277S.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
POST(RESULT,ARG) ;Entry point to create MailMan message from ARG array
; Input: ARG
GETVAL(FLDNAM,OCC) ;;Get the value associated with the field name
MSGLINE(FLDNAM,FLDVAL,OCC) ;Add data to specified node in message array
MAIL ;Assemble 277STAT MailMan message and create/send
SETMSG(DATA,LN) ;Set a line of the MailMan Message and return next line number
QUIT ; kill switch
MAPFLD ;RPC_field_name (limit 45 char)^Array_node

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