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Routine: IBCE835A

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCE835A



Source Information

Source file <IBCE835A.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 2

Package Total Call Graph
Integrated Billing 2 $$GETCLM^IBCE277  $$GETHCT^IBCE835  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 1

Package Total Caller Graph
Integrated Billing 1 IBCE835  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
37(IBD) ; Process claim level adjustment data for Inpatient MEDICARE
; Claim must have been referenced by a previous '05' level
40(IBD) ; Process service line data
45(IBD) ; Process service line adjustment data
46(IBD) ; Process service line adjustment data

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
$$GETCLM^IBCE277 37+14, 40+12, 45+12, 46+12
$$GETHCT^IBCE835 37+17, 40+16, 45+16, 46+16

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^TMP("IBMSG" 37+20, 37+22*, 37+23*, 37+24*, 40+19, 40+20*, 40+23*, 40+24*, 45+19, 45+20*
, 45+23*, 45+24*, 46+19, 46+20*, 46+23*, 46+24*

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
IBCLM 37+13~, 37+14*, 37+17, 37+18*, 37+20, 37+22, 37+23, 37+24, 40+11~, 40+12*
, 40+16, 40+17*, 40+19, 40+20, 40+23, 40+24, 45+11~, 45+12*, 45+16, 45+17*
, 45+19, 45+20, 45+23, 45+24, 46+11~, 46+12*, 46+16, 46+17*, 46+19, 46+20
, 46+23, 46+24
IBD 37~, 37+14, 37+22, 37+23, 37+24, 40~, 40+12, 40+23, 40+24, 45~
, 45+12, 45+23, 45+24, 46~, 46+12, 46+23, 46+24
IBD("LINE" 37+21*, 37+22, 37+23, 37+24, 40+13*, 40+20, 40+21*, 40+23, 40+24, 45+13*
, 45+20, 45+21*, 45+23, 45+24, 46+13*, 46+20, 46+21*, 46+23, 46+24
IBHCT 37+13~, 37+17*, 37+18, 40+11~, 40+16*, 40+17, 45+11~, 45+16*, 45+17, 46+11~
, 46+16*, 46+17
U 37+14, 37+22, 40+12, 45+12, 46+12
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