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Routine: IBCE837B

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCE837B



Source Information

Source file <IBCE837B.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
QTXMT(IBSITE8) ; Run now or queue EDI bill transmit (part of nightly job)
; IBSITE8 = the '8' node of the site parameters file (350.9)
EN1(IBZTSK,IBNOASK,IBQDT,IBABORT,IBRSBTST) ;Txmit 837's for bills waiting transmission
; Pass IBZTSK by ref to get task # if job is tasked
; IBNOASK = flag: 0 = ask to queue, 1 = no ask to queue
; IBQDT = if IBNOASK=1, this can be the date/time to queue the job
; Pass IBABORT by reference to determine if user aborted process
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