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Routine: IBCE837P

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCE837P



Source Information

Source file <IBCE837P.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 2

Package Total Call Graph
Integrated Billing 2 (11,12,13,14,15,16)^IBCE837Q  ($$COBN,$$FT)^IBCEF  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 1

Package Total Caller Graph
Integrated Billing 1 IBCE837A  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
POST ;POST execute for 837, called by IBCE837A@POST
1 ;;IB*2.0*718;JWS;11/30/21;EBILL-1629;Incorporate FSC Override - clear PRF9 and PRF10 when there is an RX1 segment
2 ;;IB*2.0*718;JWS;12/8/21;EBILL-1633;Incorporate FSC Override - remove all NPIs when payer is Medicare
3 ;IB*2.0*718;JWS;12/8/21;EBILL-1641;Incorporate FSC Override #3 - if PAYER PRIMARY ID (CI5-3) is not 'IPRNT' or 'PPRNT' and claim
4 ;IB*2.0*742;JWS;11/15/22;EBILL-1637;remove adjustment reason code (AB3) and associated amounts when not submitted on a paper Medicare
; secondary claim. The AB3 value is used by HCCH for printing MRA files. It should only appear for IPRINT claims
41(XT,XF) ;shuffle adjustment reason codes
; XF = adj reason code field to be moved
; XT = field number of location to move the adj reason code info
5 ;IB*2.0*742;JWS;11/15/22;EBILL-1645;remove adjustment reason code (AAA) and associated amounts when not submitted on a paper Medicare
; secondary claim. The AAA value is used by HCCH for printing MRA files. It should only appear for IPRINT and PPRNT IDs
51(XT,XF) ;shuffle adjustment reason codes
; XF = adj reason code field to be moved
; XT = field number of location to move the adj reason code info
6 ;IB*2.0*727;JWS;12/14/21;EBILL-1649;remove Secondary ID and Qualifier when Second ID Qualifier = '2U' and payer is Medicare
7 ;IB*2.0*727;JWS;5/4/22;EBILL-1657;remove provider secondary ID and qualifer if Dest Payer is Medicare Part-A
; removes valid 5010 provider IDs that are not allowed by Medicare
71(SEQ,REC,FLD) ;function to delete entries
72(SEQ,REC,FLD) ;reshuffle entries to prevent any FSC issues; should not be necessary, but just incase it is.
8 ;TPF;IB*2.0*727;EBILL-1665;6/23/2022;Remove Remaining Patient Liability Amount and Other Payer Check Date when the Other Payer is a Primary or Secondary Payer
9 ; IB*2.0*727;JWS;5/4/22;EBILL-2602;remove or change provider secondary ID and qualifier if Dest Payer is Medicare Part B
10 ;IB*2.0*727;JWS;7/29/22;EBILL-1653;group DCx records by Diagnosis Type (DCx-3); ABK (BK) 1st, ABF (BF) 2nd grp, ABN (BN) last
; only perform this check/re-order for Institutional Claims

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
11^IBCE837Q POST+17
12^IBCE837Q POST+34
13^IBCE837Q POST+37
14^IBCE837Q POST+44
15^IBCE837Q POST+46
16^IBCE837Q POST+48
$$FT^IBCEF POST+24, POST+37, 10+2

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^IBA(364.7 - [#364.7] POST+43
^IBE(350.9 - [#350.9] POST+15
^TMP("IBXDATA" POST+19, POST+23, POST+24, POST+28, POST+31, POST+41, 1+3, 1+4, 1+5!, 1+6!
2+2, 2+4!, 2+5!, 2+6!, 2+7!, 2+8!, 2+9!, 2+10!, 2+11!, 2+12!
2+13!, 2+14!, 2+15!, 2+16!, 2+17!, 2+18!, 2+19!, 2+22, 2+23!, 2+24!
2+25, 2+26!, 2+27!, 2+28, 2+29!, 2+30!, 2+31, 2+32!, 2+33!, 2+34
2+35!, 2+36!, 2+37, 2+38!, 2+39!, 3+5, 3+6, 3+7!, 3+9, 3+13!
3+14*, 4+3, 4+4, 4+5!, 4+6, 4+7!, 4+8, 4+9!, 4+10, 4+11!
4+12, 4+13!, 4+14, 4+15!, 4+16!, 4+17, 4+18, 4+19, 4+20, 4+21
4+22, 4+23, 4+24, 4+25, 41+3, 5+4, 5+5, 5+6!, 5+7, 5+8!
5+9, 5+10!, 5+11, 5+12!, 5+13, 5+14!, 5+15, 5+16!, 5+17!, 5+18
5+19, 5+20, 5+21, 5+22, 5+23, 5+24, 5+25, 5+26, 51+3, 6+3
6+5, 6+6!, 6+7!, 7+4, 7+6, 7+17!, 7+18, 7+21, 7+24, 7+27
, 71+1!, 72+2, 72+3, 72+4, 72+5, 72+6, 72+7, 72+8, 72+10, 72+11
, 72+13, 72+14, 72+15, 72+16, 72+17, 8+2, 8+5, 8+7, 8+8, 8+9
8+10, 8+11, 8+15, 8+16, 8+17*, 8+18*, 8+20, 8+21, 8+22*, 8+23*
8+26, 8+27, 8+28*, 8+29*, 8+31, 8+32, 8+33*, 8+34*, 9+2, 9+3
9+4, 9+5, 9+6!, 9+8, 9+9, 9+12, 9+13*, 9+14*, 9+15, 9+16
9+17, 9+19, 10+4, 10+10, 10+12!, 10+13*, 10+15*

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
3 POST+28
4 POST+24
41 4+18, 4+20, 4+22, 4+24, 4+25
5 POST+31
51 5+19, 5+21, 5+23, 5+25, 5+26
71 7+7, 7+9, 7+11, 7+13, 7+15, 7+19, 7+22, 7+25, 7+28
72 7+8, 7+10, 7+12, 7+14, 7+16, 7+20, 7+23, 7+26, 7+29
@( POST+11

Naked Globals

Name Field # of Occurrence
^( 41+3*!, 51+3*!, 71+1!, 9+4!, 9+5*, 9+8!, 9+16!, 9+19!
^(10 4+16, 5+17, 72+14*, 72+15*
^(11 4+9!, 5+10!, 72+14*, 72+15*
^(12 4+9!, 5+10!, 72+14!, 72+17*
^(13 4+16, 5+17, 72+14!, 72+17*
^(14 4+11!, 5+12!, 72+15!, 72+17!
^(15 4+11!, 5+12!, 72+15!, 72+17!
^(16 4+16, 5+17
^(17 4+13!, 5+14!
^(18 4+13!, 5+14!
^(19 4+16, 5+17
^(2 72+3*, 72+4*, 72+5*
^(20 4+15!, 5+16!
^(21 4+15!, 5+16!
^(3 72+3*, 72+4*, 72+5*
^(4 6+5, 72+3!, 72+7*, 72+8*
^(5 4+5!, 5+6!, 72+3!, 72+7*, 72+8*
^(6 4+5!, 5+6!, 6+6!, 7+6*, 72+4!, 72+7!, 72+11*, 9+3*
^(7 4+16, 5+17, 72+4!, 72+7!, 72+11*
^(8 4+7!, 5+8!, 6+7!, 72+5!, 72+8!, 72+11!
^(9 4+7!, 5+8!, 72+5!, 72+8!, 72+11!

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
CNT 3+3~, 3+4*, 3+8*, 3+9
COB POST+16~, POST+21*, POST+24, POST+31
FLD 71~, 71+1, 72~, 72+1, 72+12
I POST+6~, POST+11*, 4+2~, 4+18*, 4+20*, 4+22*, 4+24*, 5+2~, 5+19*, 5+21*
5+23*, 5+25*, 7+2~, 7+7*, 7+9*, 7+11*, 7+13*, 7+15*, 7+17*, 7+19*
7+22*, 7+25*, 7+28*, 9+1~, 9+4*, 9+5*, 9+6*, 9+8*, 9+16*, 9+19*
IBDT 10+9~, 10+15*
IBLQ 3+3~, 3+4*, 3+7*, 3+12
IBPID POST+6~, POST+19*, POST+24, POST+28, POST+31, POST+34, POST+37, POST+41*, POST+44, POST+46
2+1~, 2+2*, 2+3
>> IBXIEN POST+21, POST+24, POST+37, 10+2
LCOBPRIM 8+1~, 8+4*, 8+5, 8+8, 8+10*, 8+14
LCOBSEC 8+1~, 8+4*, 8+5, 8+9, 8+11*, 8+25
REC 71~, 71+1, 72~, 72+2, 72+3, 72+4, 72+5, 72+6, 72+7, 72+8
, 72+10, 72+11, 72+13, 72+14, 72+15, 72+16, 72+17
SEQ 71~, 71+1, 72~, 72+2, 72+3, 72+4, 72+5, 72+6, 72+7, 72+8
, 72+9, 72+10, 72+11, 72+13, 72+14, 72+15, 72+16, 72+17
SEQTMP 3+3~, 3+14
SEQTMP( 3+9*
X1 1+2~, 1+3*, 1+5, 1+6, 2+1~, 2+22*, 2+23, 2+24, 2+25*, 2+26
2+27, 2+28*, 2+29, 2+30, 2+31*, 2+32, 2+33, 2+34*, 2+35, 2+36
2+37*, 2+38, 2+39, 3+3~, 3+6*, 3+7, 3+9, 4+2~, 4+3*, 4+4
4+5, 4+6, 4+7, 4+8, 4+9, 4+10, 4+11, 4+12, 4+13, 4+14
4+15, 4+16, 4+17, 4+18, 4+19, 4+20, 4+21, 4+22, 4+23, 4+24
4+25, 41+3, 5+2~, 5+4*, 5+5, 5+6, 5+7, 5+8, 5+9, 5+10
5+11, 5+12, 5+13, 5+14, 5+15, 5+16, 5+17, 5+18, 5+19, 5+20
5+21, 5+22, 5+23, 5+24, 5+25, 5+26, 51+3, 6+2~, 6+3*, 6+5
6+6, 6+7, 7+2~, 7+3*, 8+1~, 8+5*, 8+7, 8+8, 8+9, 8+10
8+11, 9+1~, 9+9*, 9+12, 9+13, 9+14, 9+15*, 9+16, 9+17*, 9+19
10+9~, 10+10*
X1( 10+11, 10+15*
X1(1 10+13
X2 1+2~, 1+4*, 7+2~, 7+18*, 7+19, 7+20, 7+21*, 7+22, 7+23, 7+24*
7+25, 7+26, 7+27*, 7+28, 7+29, 8+1~, 8+15*, 8+16, 8+17, 8+18
8+20*, 8+21, 8+22, 8+23, 8+26*, 8+27, 8+28, 8+29, 8+31*, 8+32
8+33, 8+34, 10+9~, 10+11*, 10+15*
X3 10+9~
X3( 10+11*, 10+15
XCT 10+9~, 10+15*
XF 41~, 41+3, 51~, 51+3
XLN 1+2~, 1+3*, 1+4
XT 41~, 41+3, 51~, 51+3
Info |  Source |  Call Graph |  Caller Graph |  Entry Points |  External References |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Label References |  Naked Globals |  Local Variables  | All