Source file <IBCE837P.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
POST | ;POST execute for 837, called by IBCE837A@POST
1 | ;;IB*2.0*718;JWS;11/30/21;EBILL-1629;Incorporate FSC Override - clear PRF9 and PRF10 when there is an RX1 segment
2 | ;;IB*2.0*718;JWS;12/8/21;EBILL-1633;Incorporate FSC Override - remove all NPIs when payer is Medicare
3 | ;IB*2.0*718;JWS;12/8/21;EBILL-1641;Incorporate FSC Override #3 - if PAYER PRIMARY ID (CI5-3) is not 'IPRNT' or 'PPRNT' and claim
4 | ;IB*2.0*742;JWS;11/15/22;EBILL-1637;remove adjustment reason code (AB3) and associated amounts when not submitted on a paper Medicare
; secondary claim. The AB3 value is used by HCCH for printing MRA files. It should only appear for IPRINT claims |
41(XT,XF) | ;shuffle adjustment reason codes
; XF = adj reason code field to be moved ; XT = field number of location to move the adj reason code info |
5 | ;IB*2.0*742;JWS;11/15/22;EBILL-1645;remove adjustment reason code (AAA) and associated amounts when not submitted on a paper Medicare
; secondary claim. The AAA value is used by HCCH for printing MRA files. It should only appear for IPRINT and PPRNT IDs |
51(XT,XF) | ;shuffle adjustment reason codes
; XF = adj reason code field to be moved ; XT = field number of location to move the adj reason code info |
6 | ;IB*2.0*727;JWS;12/14/21;EBILL-1649;remove Secondary ID and Qualifier when Second ID Qualifier = '2U' and payer is Medicare
7 | ;IB*2.0*727;JWS;5/4/22;EBILL-1657;remove provider secondary ID and qualifer if Dest Payer is Medicare Part-A
; removes valid 5010 provider IDs that are not allowed by Medicare |
71(SEQ,REC,FLD) | ;function to delete entries
72(SEQ,REC,FLD) | ;reshuffle entries to prevent any FSC issues; should not be necessary, but just incase it is.
8 | ;TPF;IB*2.0*727;EBILL-1665;6/23/2022;Remove Remaining Patient Liability Amount and Other Payer Check Date when the Other Payer is a Primary or Secondary Payer
9 | ; IB*2.0*727;JWS;5/4/22;EBILL-2602;remove or change provider secondary ID and qualifier if Dest Payer is Medicare Part B
10 | ;IB*2.0*727;JWS;7/29/22;EBILL-1653;group DCx records by Diagnosis Type (DCx-3); ABK (BK) 1st, ABF (BF) 2nd grp, ABN (BN) last
; only perform this check/re-order for Institutional Claims |