Source file <IBCE837Q.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
11 | ;IB*2.0*742;JWS;11/3/22:EBILL-2517;VistA will perform edits done by FSC's PayerIDSwitches.exe
UP11(IEN,EXSV) | ;update file 364.8 record for use
12 | ;IB*2.0*742;JWS;12/5/22:EBILL-2321;VistA will perform edits done by FSC's SvcFacilityAddress.exe
13 | ;IB*2.0*742;JWS;12/5/22:EBILL-2852;VistA will perform edits done by FSC's RemoveLoopsForPayerSDMEV.exe
14 | ;IB*2.0*759;JWS;4/8/23;EBILL-2323;VistA will perform edits done by FSC's RemoveOtherPayerProviderInfromation.exe
; remove the following segments from the 837 Output Formatter results ; seq 170 - OP1: Other Payer Rendering Provider Data ; seq 170.5 - OP1A: Other Payer Attending Physician Data ; seq 171 - OP2: Other Payer Operating Physician Data ; seq 172 - OP3: Other Payer Service Facility Data ; seq 173 - OP4: Other Payer Referring Provider Data ; seq 176 - OP7: Other Payer Service Facility Data ; seq 177 - OP8: Other Payer Supervising Provider Data ; seq 178 - OP9: Other Payer Other Operating Provider Data |
15 | ;IB*2.0*759;JWS;4/24/23;EBILL-2324;VistA will perform edits done by FSC's RemoveSecondaryIDsFromClaims.exe
; remove the following values if CI5-3 Payer Primary ID = 12B60, 12B53, 12B45, SB890, SB891, SB892 ; remove CI1A-6, CI1A-7, CI1A-8, CI1A-9 Billing Provider Secondary IDs ; do not remove CI1A-2, CI1A-3 (2 and 3 are non-HIPAA CHC requirement, Site ID) ; do not remove CI1A-4, CI1A-5 (4 and 5 are 'EI' and EIN (Tax ID) for entity) |
16 | ;JWS;IB*2.0*759;EBILL-3312; ClearOI14whenEqualOI23.exe
SW(IBIEN) | ; check file 364.8
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^DGCR(399 - [#399] | 11+3 |
^IBA(364.8 - [#364.8] | 11+17, 11+19, 11+20, 11+22, 11+29, 11+36, 11+46, UP11+4, SW+10, SW+12 , SW+13, SW+15, SW+21 |
^TMP("IBXDATA" | 11+8, 11+11, 11+31*, 11+38*, 11+40, 11+41*, 11+45, 11+48*, 12+3, 12+7* , 12+14*, 12+21*, 12+22*, 12+25*, 12+27*, 13+19!, 13+20!, 14+11!, 15+6!, 15+8! , 15+10!, 15+12!, 15+14!, 15+16!, 15+18!, 15+20!, 15+22!, 15+24, 15+26, 15+28 , 15+30, 15+32, 15+34, 15+36, 16+2, 16+3! |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
^( | 11+45, 15+24!, 15+26!, 15+28!, 15+30!, 15+32!, 15+34!, 15+36!, 16+2, 16+3 |
^(0 | UP11+4* |
^(101 | 13+19! |
^(103 | 13+19! |
^(104 | 13+19! |
^(104.2 | 13+19! |
^(104.4 | 13+19! |
^(11 | 15+24!, 15+26!, 15+28!, 15+32!, 15+34! |
^(12 | 15+24!, 15+26!, 15+28!, 15+32!, 15+34! |
^(13 | 15+24!, 15+26!, 15+28!, 15+32!, 15+34! |
^(14 | 13+20!, 15+24!, 15+26!, 15+28!, 15+32!, 15+34! |
^(15 | 15+24!, 15+26!, 15+28!, 15+32!, 15+34! |
^(170 | 13+19! |
^(170.5 | 14+11! |
^(171 | 14+11! |
^(172 | 14+11! |
^(173 | 13+19!, 14+11! |
^(176 | 13+19!, 14+11! |
^(177 | 13+19!, 14+11! |
^(178 | 14+11! |
^(193.3 | 13+19! |
^(193.6 | 13+19! |
^(194 | 13+19! |
^(194.3 | 13+19! |
^(2 | 11+31*, 12+7*, 16+2 |
^(3 | 12+7*, 16+3 |
^(4 | 11+40*, 15+36!, 16+2 |
^(5 | 11+40*, 15+36! |
^(6 | 12+25*, 15+36! |
^(7 | 11+41*, 15+30!, 15+36! |
^(8 | 15+36! |
^(97 | 13+19! |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
>> %DT | UP11+2* |
COB | 11+1~, 11+4*, 11+6 |
EXSV | UP11~, UP11+3 |
F1 | UP11+1~, UP11+3*, UP11+4 |
FT | 11+1~, 11+15*, 11+21, 11+31, 11+47, SW+2~, SW+8*, SW+14, SW+23 |
I | 12+1~, 12+14*, 12+22*, 15+5~, 15+6*, 15+8* |
IB3648 | 11+1~, 11+17*, 11+19, 11+20, 11+22, 11+26, 11+29, 11+32, 11+36, 11+43 , 11+46, 11+49, SW+2~, SW+10*, SW+12, SW+13, SW+15, SW+20, SW+21 |
IB3648FT | 11+1~, 11+20*, 11+21, SW+2~, SW+13*, SW+14 |
IB3648TF | 11+1~, 11+22*, 11+23, SW+2~, SW+15*, SW+16 |
IBCLM | 11+1~, 11+3*, UP11+4 |
IBCWS | SW+2~ |
IBEXSV | 11+1~, 11+46*, 11+47, SW+2~, SW+21*, SW+23 |
IBIEN | SW~, SW+4, SW+8, SW+16 |
IBOI12 | 16+1~, 16+2*, 16+3 |
IBOI14 | 16+1~, 16+2*, 16+3 |
IBOPID | 11+1~, 11+8*, 11+10 |
IBPID | SW+2~, SW+4*, SW+6, SW+10 |
IBPPID | 11+1~, 11+11*, 11+13, 11+17 |
IBTPAID | 11+1~, 11+29*, 11+30, 11+38, SW+2~ |
IBTPAOID | 11+1~, 11+36*, 11+39, 11+40, 11+41, SW+2~ |
>> IBXIEN | 11+2, 11+3, 11+4, 11+15, 11+23 |
IEN | UP11~, UP11+4 |
OK | 11+1~, 11+17*, 11+24*, SW+2~, SW+10*, SW+17* |
X | UP11+1~, UP11+2*, UP11+4*, 12+1~, 12+14*, 12+22*, 12+25*, 12+27*, 13+1~, 13+20* , 15+5~, 15+24*, 15+26*, 15+28*, 15+30*, 15+32*, 15+34*, 15+36* |
X1 | 11+1~, 11+45*, 16+1~, 16+2*, 16+3 |
X2 | 16+1~, 16+3* |
Y | UP11+1~, UP11+4 |