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Routine: IBCEF3

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCEF3



Source Information

Source file <IBCEF3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
MPG(PG,FLDS,FORM) ; Set static flds on pages after page 1
; for either 1500 or UB
; PG = page #
; FORM= 1 for UB, otherwise for 1500
; FLDS: array passed by reference and containing lines OR
; line/column from pg 1 to repeat on subsequent pages
; Format: FLDS(LINE,COL) or FLDS(LINE) for whole line
; CMS-1500: LINES 1-5,7-43,57 from col 1 to 50, 58-63
; UB: see CKPGUB for lines and columns
NONSERV(Z,Z0) ; Set variable if non-service/non-text data is present for box
; 24 of CMS-1500
; Z = sequence of IBXSAVE being processed
; Z0 = sequnce within IBXDATA to indicate actual line #
PG(VAL,LNCT) ;Set next pg for CMS-1500 lines
MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,VAL,IBLN,IBCOL,NOFORM) ; Set up pages > 1 for UB overflows
; PG = Page # to set (REQUIRED)
; OFFSET = offset from first line this should be extracted into
; 0 = first line (REQUIRED)
; VAL = value to set (REQUIRED)
; IBLN = line to set data at (if null, uses IBXLN)
; IBCOL = column to set data at (if null, uses IBXCOL)
; NOFORM = don't format, just output data as passed
; Assumes formatter IBXLN,IBXCOL variables exist
CKREV(CT,VAL) ; Check too many rev code lines to fit on page
; This procedure is only called when CT>22 (i.e. 23 or more)
CKPGUB ; Check to see if multiple UB pages are needed then populate
; static flds from page 1, add page numbers
HCPC(R) ;FORMAT HCPC fld FOR UB (returns formatted value)
; R = flag for type of fld (1/2/3) being printed in rev code block
PROS(IBIFN) ; Extract billable prosthetics for 837
B24(IBXSV,IBIFN,IBNOSHOW) ; Code to execute to set up IBXSV("BOX24") for
; print or IBXSAVE("OUTPT") for transmit - called by output formatter
; IBNOSHOW = 1 if not to show error/warning text lines
; Pass IBXSV by reference
XPROC(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB procedures after 6 on new page(s)
; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("PROC",CT)
; CT = array sequence # of the procedure being output
; Only used for local prints
XDIAG(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB other diagnoses after 8 on new page(s)
; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("DX",CT)
; CT = array sequence # of the diagnosis being output
; Only used for local prints
XVAL(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB value codes after 12 on new page(s)
; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("VC",CT)
; CT = array sequence # of the value code being output
XCC(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB condition codes after 11 on new page(s)
; 11 condition codes per page, starting columns 34 thru 64
; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("CC",CT)
; CT = array sequence # of the condition code being output
XOCC(DATA,CT,FL) ; Output any UB occurrence codes after 8 (2 per form
; locators 31-34) on new page(s)
; DATA = data from IBXSAVE("OCC",z) to be output
; CT = array sequence # of occurrence code being output
; FL = # of form locator being populated with the occ code
XOCCS(DATA,CT,FL) ; Output any UB occurrence span codes after 4 on new page(s)
; DATA = data from IBXSAVE("OCCS",z) to be output
; CT = array sequence # of occurrence span code being output
; FL = # of form locator being populated (either FL 35 or 36)
OUTPDT(IBIFN,IBXSAVE,IBXDATA) ; Returns outpatient service to date
; formatted CCYYMMDD for UB 837
; IBIFN = ien of bill (file 399)
; IBXSAVE = pass by reference for IBXSAVE("INPT") and IBXSAVE("DATE")
; IBXDATA = array with formatted date or each line item - CCYYMMDD
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