; Determine if bill # IBIFN is 'transmittable'
; IBNEW = flag is 1 if new entry - don't check for entry in file 364
; Function returns:
; 0 if not transmittable
; if transmittable, the entire node 3 of the insurance company
; and, if passed by reference IBWHY = reason not transmittable
; 1 if local print
; 2 if EDI/MRA not active
; 3 if rate type not transmittable
; 4 if no transmit for insurance co
; 5 if failed txmn rules
; and IBWHY(0) = ien of rule failed
; 6 if Rx with missing/invalid NDC format
; Find, execute edits applying to bill to see if transmittable
; IBIFN = ien of bill in file 399
; IB = array containing necessary data for xref search from bill
; subscripted by field # in file 364.4
; Function returns whether or not bill currently has a status
; message or EOB message not yet fully reviewed -
; (only for transmittable bills)
; IBIFN = ien of bill in file 399
; Returns:
; 0 = None found
; If found, returns a pieced string as follows: