Source file <IBCEP9A.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
START(IBRAW) | ; Extract a list of providers from existing VistA data
; IBRAW = 0 or "" if display format ; = 1 if raw data format ; Variables: ; IBYR1/IBYR3 - the first date of next year ; IBYR2 - the last date two years ago ; IBPID - provider entry number ; HFLE - host file name |
PTF | ;PTF (file 45/field 50) with admission within last two years DBIA419
VST | ; get providers associated with outpatient encntrs within the last 2 yrs
VSTPRV(IBOE) | ; Get all providers for an encounter IBOE
DATA | ;store data in file
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |