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Package: Integrated Billing



IBCEPCID ;ALB/WCJ - Provider ID functions ;13 Feb 2006

Source Information

Source file <IBCEPCID.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
COPY(IBINS) ; The purpose of this routine is to sync up insurance company IDs
; It is passed an insurance company. If the insurance company is a stand alone company,
; it quits. If it is passed a child, it synchs up with the parent. If it is passed a parent, it syncs
; up with all it's children.
; The IDs that synched up are Provider ID's defined for providers by an insurance company, default IDs for all
; Providers for and an insurance company, and additonal billing providers IDs for an insuracne company.
COPYTO(PARENT,CHILD,COPYINS) ; Figure out who to copy to:
ADD(IBFILE,IEN,INS) ; Add a provider ID
DEL(IBFILE,DA) ; Delete a Provider ID
MOD(IBFILE,IEN,PIEN) ; Modify an existing Provider ID
RESYNCH() ; Resynch everything

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: *7,!!,"Can not lock insurance company file, please try later.",!!
  • Line Location: RESYNCH+1
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