; Returns prov credentials
; IBPRV = vp of provider for file 200 or 355.93
; IBIFN = bill ien in file 399 (optional)
; IBPIEN = prov ien - file 399.0222 (optional)
; DEM;432 - prov ien can be from file 399.0404
; as well (optional).
; IBTYP = the prov type
; Returns prov(s) of type(s) IBTYP for
; bill ien IBIFN.
; IBTYP = prov types needed, separated by ',' or ALL
; IBPRV array: IBPRV(type)= 1 if prov is from old prov flds
; IBPRV(type,ct)=name^current COB id^vp provider ien^cred
; IBPRV(type,ct,seq)=COB seq specific id
; IBPRV(type)=default nm^def id
; IBPRV(type,"NOTOPT")= defined if a required prov type
; Checks if prov of type IBTYP in 'PRV' node
; of bill IBIFN
; If IBVAL = 1, skips the check for an existing provider, just looks
; for existence of the function itself
; Returns prov(s) of type(s) IBTYP for
; bill ien IBIFN for TPJI display
; IBTYP = prov types needed, separated by ',' or ALL
; IBPRV array: IBPRV(level,type,ct)=name^current COB id^vp provider ien^cred
;sceen for field 399,285 Attachment Report Type - Check for a valid Report Type depending on Claim Type
; VAL = internal value of report type file#353.3
; IBIFN = file 399 ien