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Routine: IBCEU2

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCEU2



Source Information

Source file <IBCEU2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
AUTOCK(IBIFN,IBQUIET) ; Auto add any codes necessary based on data
; existing on bill, if needed.
; IBQUIET - optional parameter - equals 1 to suppress screen display
PRPAY(IBIFN,IBCOBN,IBQUIET) ; Output value cd A1 or A2 for prior payments, if needed
; IBIFN = ien of bill in file 399
; IBCOBN = the COB sequence number for bill (2=secondary, 3=tertiary)
; IBQUIET = 1 to suppress screen display
SUBDOB(IBIFN,IBCOBN,IBQUIET) ; Add occurrence codes A1,B1,C1 as needed for subscriber DOB
; IBIFN = ien of bill in file 399
; IBQUIET = 1 to suppress screen display
COMBO(IBXDATA,IBXTRA,IBINST) ; Determine the bundled/unbundled codes - add
; line items where needed to line item array IBXDATA(line #)
; Update referenced line in COB entries returned in IBXDATA
; IBXTR = array input with bundled/unbundled procedures
; ("ALL",original line~original procedure~service date,
; new procedure)=COB seq #^sequence # of adjustment in
; IBXDATA(n,"COB",COB seq #,adj#)
; IBINST = 1 if institutional claim, 0 if professional
MCRPT(DFN,IBDT) ; Determine if patient has MCRWNR insurance or if they
; are at least 65 yrs old, so should be MCR eligible as of IBDT (or DT)
; DFN = ien of patient

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