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Routine: IBCIUT4

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCIUT4



Source Information

Source file <IBCIUT4.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
COMERR ;create msg for comm error
GENERR(IBIFN,IBCIETP) ;create msg for general error
SNTMSG ;determine what user was doing for message
TCK() ;check text for characters used as delimiters and strip them out
CCK() ;check codes for decimal points and strip them out
Z1AR ;converts ibciz array to ibciz1 array and import into error field
PROC() ;convert procedure code
ADDSUB1 ;create the subfile for errors and add data
DELER ;delete the error information in 351.9
DELTI ;delete temporary information in 351.9
DCOM(IBIFN) ;delete whatever's in the comment field in 351.9
P1(PROBLEM) ;comm error handling with problem variable

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^IBA(351.9 - [#351.9] Classic Fileman Calls
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