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Routine: IBCNBLP1

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNBLP1


IBCNBLP1 ;ALB/ARH-Ins Buffer: LM buffer process build ;1 Jun 97

Source Information

Source file <IBCNBLP1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
PATLST(IBCNT,DFN,CMPDATA) ; collect and display all the patients insurance policies
; if the buffer field data (CMPDATA) matches the displayed insurance entry's data, then that data is displayed in bold
GRPLST(IBCNT,IBINSDA,DFN,CMPDATA) ; display insurance group/plans for a specific company
; if the buffer field data (CMPDATA) matches the displayed insurance entry's data, then that data is displayed in bold
; if the buffer entry's patient is already a member of the group/plan then the record's number is displayed in bold
SRCHLST(IBCNT,DFN,INSNM,GRPNM,GRPNUM) ; display any insurance group/plan that matchs either group name or group number
; if the buffer field data (CMPDATA) matches the displayed insurance entry's data, then that data is displayed in bold
; if the buffer entry's patient is already a member of the group/plan then the record's number is displayed in bold
SETSTR(DATA,LINE,COL,LNG,CMPDATA) ; save data in formated line, if data matchs compare data save string position for bolding
PREV(STRING) ; return previous ascii value of the string for collating

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^IBA(355.3 - [#355.3] GET1^DIQ
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