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Routine: IBCNEDE5

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNEDE5



Source Information

Source file <IBCNEDE5.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SIDCHK(PIEN,DFN,BSID,SIDARRAY,FRESHDT) ; Checks the flag setting of
; '270 REQUIRES SUB ID' (#365.121,4.02). The function returns a "^"
; delimited string. The first value is between 1 and 5 telling the
; calling program what action(s) it should perform. The 2nd piece
; indicates the Subcriber ID that the calling program should use for
; setting the Subscriber IDs in the eIV Transmission Queue file (#365.1).
; The calling program is to address the blank Sub IDs.
SSN(DFN) ; Get Patient SSN and update SIDARRAY, if needed
GETSSN(DFN) ; Get Patient SSN
STRIP(ID,SS,DFN) ; Strip dashes and spaces if ssn
; ID can be ssn or subid
; if SS, ssn is being passed

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FileNo Call Tags
365.121 GET1^DIQ
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