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Routine: IBCNEUT6

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNEUT6



Source Information

Source file <IBCNEUT6.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
AMCHECK ; This procedure will examine the insurance company names in the
; Auto Match file (#365.11) to make sure there is still at least
; one active insurance company with that name. If there isn't,
; then the Auto Match entries for that insurance company name
; will be deleted.
AMADD(INSNAME,IBCNEXT1) ; Conditionally add an Auto Match entry based on user input
; Input Parameters:
; INSNAME is a valid, active insurance company name
; IBCNEXT1 is the existing entry in the ins co name field in the
; buffer. This may be used as the Auto Match value for
; a new auto match entry.
; Function to assist with filtering items in custom payer
; lookups for most popular list. This logic is used in the
; DIC("S") definition for the lookup
; Format display text for custom Most Pop. payer lookup
CKAPS(IBPYR) ; Utility allow only for Payers that are active and have a valid IIV
; and/or IIU Payer application.
; 0 = Not a valid Payer
; 1 = Valid Payer (Active and has either an IIV or IIU Payer Application)

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^IBCN(365.11 - [#365.11] Classic Fileman Calls
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