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Routine: IBCNEUT8

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNEUT8



Source Information

Source file <IBCNEUT8.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
INSIEN(INSNAME,INSIEN) ; Subroutine to find all ins co IENs
; matching a given ins co name
; Input parameter: INSNAME - Ins co name to find IENs for
; Output parameter: INSIEN - array of ins co IENs that
; match the passed ins co name, passed by reference
; If the array is defined at the time this subroutine is called,
; then it will add to the data that pre-exists in the array
FINDPAY(INSIEN,PAYID) ; Find National IDs for an array of ins co IENs
; Input parameter: INSIEN - Array of ins co IENs
; Output parameter: PAYID - Array of National IDs
ERROR(ERRCODE,ERRTEXT,MULTI) ; Function to return the IEN of the Symbol
; file entry and error text - also adds error data to ARRAY
; Input parameters: ERRCODE - Symbol mnemonic ("B1", "B2", etc)
; ERRTEXT - Optional additional error text
; MULTI - Optional array of items to display
; Output parameters: ARRAY - Updated by this function
; Function value - Symbol IEN

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^IBE(365.15 - [#365.15] FIND1^DIC
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