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Routine: IBCNSU1

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCNSU1



Source Information

Source file <IBCNSU1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
RCHK(X) ; -- Input transform for different revenue codes in file 36
; Returns 1 if passes, 0 if not pass input transform
BU(DFN,IBCPOL,IBYR,IBCDFN,IBASK) ; -- Return entry in Benefits Used file
; Input: IBCDFN = pointer to patient file policy (2.312)
; DFN = patient pointer
; IBCPOL = pointer to health insurance policy file
; IBYR = fileman internal date, year will be calendar
; year of the internal date, Default = dt
; IBASK = 1 if want to ask okay to add new entry
ADDBU(DFN,IBCPOL,IBYR,IBCDFN) ; -- add entries to Benefits Used file
; Input: DFN = pointer to patient file
; IBCDFN = point to patient policy (2.312)
; IBCPOL = pointer to health insurance policy file
; IBYR = fileman internal date, year will be calendar
; year of the internal date, Default = dt
VET() ; -- Input Transform for sub-file 2.312, Name of Insured (#17)
; Quit 1 to stuff Patient Name
; Quit 0 to not stuff and allow editing
SUBID ; -- Input Transform for sub-file #2.312, Subscriber ID (#1)
HICN(DFN) ; -- return Patient's Medicare HIC number
; Return HICN of Medicare WNR Part A or Part B
; Return -1 if none exits
CHKQUAL(DFN,IEN,QUAL,PC1,PC2) ; check for duplicate qualifiers for patient
; and subscriber secondary ID's. All parameters required.
CQ1 ; specific error message#1
CQ2 ; specific error message#2

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"You cannot add a new Benefits Used BENEFIT YEAR",!!
  • Line Location: BU+17

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^IBA(355.5 - [#355.5] Classic Fileman Calls
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