Source file <IBCRCC.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ITMCHG(CS,ITEM,EVDT,MOD,ARR) | ; get the base unit charges for a specific item, given a charge set, item and date
; this is the primary function to get an item charge and works for all Charge Methods, given an Item ; returns ARR = count of items in array ^ total charge for item ^ total base charge ; ARR(x) = charge item IFN (if any) ^ rev code (if any) ^ $ charge ^ $ base charge ; checks Item effective and inactive dates, modifier match, and only sets array if the charge is non-zero ; each item will be passed back separately in the array, no combination of charges |
SETARR(CI,RVCD,CHRG,ARR,CHRGB) | ; set charges into an array, does not allow zero charge, a new entry is created each time,
; no attempt to combine like items, the new item charge is added to any that may already be in the array ; returns ARR = count of items in array ^ total charge for item ; ARR(x) = charge item IFN (if any) ^ item rev code (if any) ^ $ charge |
PICOST(PI) | ; returns (PI=ptr 362.5): total VA cost of an item (660,14) ^ quantity (660,5) from prosthetics ^ bill IFN
RATECHG(RS,CHG,EVDT,FEE) | ; returns modifed item charge based on rate schedule: check effective dates, apply adjustment
; adjusted amount ^ comment (if there is an adjustment) ; if FEE passed by reference, returns disp fee^admin fee |
RXIBCNR(IBD,IBITEM) | ; returns the unit cost for the drug
; input: IBD array, RX# ; output: unit cost (.304/366.141) ^ bill's IEN in (.02/362.4) |
RXCOST(RX) | ; returns (RX=ptr 362.4): VA Cost of an Rx - Per Unit Cost ^ bill IFN
; w/ Per Unit Cost = Refill (Current Unit Price of Drug - 52.1,1.2) or RX (Unit Price of Drug - 52,17) or Drug (Price Per Dispense Unit - 50,16) |
DRGCT(IBDGP) | ;Penny drug cost calculation
; Input - IEN ; Output - true value of unit price (50-13/15) |
PRVCHG(CS,CHG,PRV,EVDT,ITEM) | ; return discounted amount, based on total charge for a the care, the provider and Charge Set (BR)
; if no discount record found for the Charge Set or the provider then returns original amount ; no provider discount for Lab charges (80000-89999) ; discounted amount ^ comment (if discounted) ^ percent discount |
MODCHG(CS,CHG,MODS) | ; return adjusted amount due to RC modifier adjustment
; straight adjustment for RC Physician charges by modifier, if no modifier adjustment returns original amount ; Input: Charge Set, Procedure Charge, Modifiers - list with modifier IEN's separated by ',' ; Output: discounted amount ^ comment (if discounted) ^ percent discount |
HRUNIT(HRS) | ; returns Hour Units based on the Hours passed in
; Hour Units are the hours rounded to the nearest whole hour (less than 30 minutes is 0 units) |
MLUNIT(MLS) | ; returns Miles Units based on the Miles passed in
; Mile Units are the miles rounded to the nearest whole mile |
MNUNIT(MNS) | ; return Minute Units based on the Minutes passed in
; Minute Units are 15 minute intervals, rounded up after any minutes |