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Routine: IBCRHBR3

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCRHBR3



Source Information

Source file <IBCRHBR3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
A ; Inpatient Facility DRG Charges: process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
B ; Inpatient Facility Area Factors: process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
C ; Outpatient Facility CPT Charges: process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
D ; Outpatient Facility Area Factors: process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
E ; Physician CPT Charges: process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
F ; Physician CPT Charges (A&P): process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
G ; Physician CPT Charges (ET): process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
H ; Physician Area Factors: process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
I ; Physician Unit Area Factors: process a single line, parse out into individual fields and store in XTMP
SETHDR(IBFILE,IBXRF1) ; set up header for XTMP file
SET(IBFILE,IBXRF1,LINE) ; set data parsed from host file to XTMP
SET1(IBXRF1,IBXIFN,IBXRF3,LINE) ; set data parsed from host file to XTMP, second line
SETSITE(IBXTMP,IBXIFN,SITE,NAME,ZIP) ; set up site file and xref
STRIP(IBVAL) ; strip blanks, $, and commas
P(LINE,P) ; parse the line and return the piece requested (replaces $P since may be two dilimiters)
; the pieces are delimited by a comma, any piece that includes a comma within the text is surrounded by quotes

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?10,"SITE ERROR: ",IBX,"--",ZIP
  • Line Location: SETSITE+9
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