Source file <IBCRHU1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GETXTMP(IBXRF,ARR,ARR1,CS) | ; get list of available files
; Output: ARR(file) = upload file description ^ total cnt ; ARR(file,subfile) = I ^ count ^ billable item type ^ charge set ; ARR1(I) = file ^ subfile |
DISP(ARR) | ; display list of available files by number
DISP1(IBXRF,ARR,ARR1,CS) | ; get and display uploaded files
CHKDUP(CS,IBLN,ADD) | ; check that item would not be a duplicate
; check on same charge but different date removed so each version is complete even if the charge does not change |
CHKLN(BI,IBLN) | ; check if data in line item is valid Billable Item
; Input: IBLN= item ^ eff dt ^ inact dt ^ charge ^ cpt modifier ; Output: if data not good: x ^ error description ; w/ x=1 - line/data warning - bad data but field not required ; x=2 - line/data error - bad required data, item can not be loaded into CM ; x=3 - subfile/set error stop all processing ; do not have to check if NDC is in source, since it is added if not there ; check on cpt-modifier pair removed with RC v2.0, charge pairings do not match official pairings |
CHKFL(CS,FILE,IBSUBFL) | ; Check the Charge Set and Host file are defined and match ok
; Output: if check is ok: 0 ; if data not good: x ^ error description ; w/ x=3 - subfile/set error stop all processing |
RVCD(CS,IBITEM) | ; *634 - assign Revenue Code #124 to 5 ms-drg charges
; Input: charge set, charge item ; Output: 0 or 1 |
RVCDQ | ||
VDATE(X) | ; check for valid date, *667 check for valid year
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |