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Routine: IBCRU4

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCRU4



Source Information

Source file <IBCRU4.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
RGEXT(RG) ; returns regions in external format (NAME ^ DIV1 ^ DIV 2 ^ ...)
RGDV(RG,DV) ; returns a Billing Regions Divisions (363.31): div1 ^ div2 ^ ...
; if DV is passed in and covered by region it will be the first division in the set
BILLCPT(IBIFN) ; returns true if any of the charges on the bill may be based on CPT
; ie. one of the Billing Rates of one of the Charge Sets defined for the Rate Type of the bill
; has a Billable Item of CPT
BILLDV(IBIFN) ; returns true if one of the Billing Rates of the Charge Sets defined for the Rate Type of the bill
; is modifiable by Region and therefore may need division, ie. has a Region defined
FINDCI(CS,ITEM,EFDT,MOD,RVCD,CHG,INAC,ARR,BASE) ; find charge item entries for a billable item (exact match on date)
; Input: CS, ITEM, EFDT required, if the others are defined they will be used in the match (ARR-pass by ref)
; Output: returns string off all CI IFNs that match
; ARR = count of matchs found
; ARR(CI) = 0 node record of CI from 363.2
FNDCI(CS,ITEM,EFDT,ARR,MOD) ; find charge item entries effective for a billable item on a given date
; Input: CS, ITEM, EFDT required, if MOD defined it will be used in the match (ARR-pass by ref)
; Output: returns string of all CI IFNs that are effective for item on date
; ARR = count of effective charge items found
; ARR(CI) = 0 node record of CI from 363.2
INACTCI(CI) ; returns date Charge Item becomes inactive: either Inactive Date or replaced (ie last active date)
; returns: -1: not found, 0: not inactive, Date: date inactive or last active date before replaced
ITMUNIT(ITM,UNIT,CT) ; return true if the Item has the requested type of units or Charge Method
; Input: ITM - pointer to Item Code
; UNIT - Number of type of unit, or Charge Method, 4 - Miles, etc
; CT - Charge Type (optional) 1 for Inst, 2 for Prof (363.1,.04)
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