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Routine: IBCRU6

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBCRU6



Source Information

Source file <IBCRU6.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
CSSG(CS,BR,TYPE,ARR) ; search for special group(s) of TYPE this CS belongs, returns IFN of first group found TYPE
; outputs ARR(order)=group ifn ^ groups 0 node, if passed by reference
RVLNK(ITM,BR,CS,ARR) ; return the ifn^revenue code for a particular ITEM as defined by the Billing Rates Revenue Code links
GRVLNK(ITM,GRP,ARR) ; return the ifn^revenue code for a particular ITEM as defined in a single group
; Output: if ARR=1 on entry and passed by reference, then the array ARR will be defined on output
; ARR(IFN of Rv Cd link in 363.33) = IFN of Rv Cd link in 363.33 ^ revenue code
; (since ranges and specific individual ITEMs can be defined, one ITEM may be set up for more than one revenue
; code, the one used on the bills will be the return value, any others will be in the array)
PRVTYP(PRV,IBDT) ; find the provider type/discount group of a provider on a given date
; returns prv type ifn (363.34) ^ provider person class ifn ^ provider type ^ special group ^ percent
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