Source file <IBCSC4A.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DX | ;
PRO | ; Get PTF Procedures for a bill in ^UTILITY($J,"IB")
; includes ICD Surgeries (401) and ICD Procedures (601) or CPT Professional Services (801) based on PCM |
PTFPRDT(PTF,IBDT1,IBDT2,PCM,IBIFN) | ; collect PTF Procedures within a date range
; includes ICD Surgeries (401) and ICD Procedures (601) or CPT Professional Services (801) ; the procedure coding method (PCM) determines if ICD (401/601) or CPT (801) procedures returned |
PTFPR(IBPTF,IBDT1,IBDT2,IBIFN) | ; collect PTF ICD Procedures, Surgeries (401) and Procedures (601), for a date range
; Output: UTILITY($J,"IB",X,1) = ICD IEN ^ Date ^ Seq Group Letter ^ Type (401="", 601="*") ; UTILITY($J,"IB",X,Y) = ICD IEN ; UTILITY($J,"IB","B", Seq Group Letter_Y ) = X ^ Y ^ on bill (Y/N) ; where X is 1:1 of the number of events found, order by: Surgeries first, then Procedures, then by reverse date |
SEQGRP(ECNT) | ; return sequence group alpha character (A-Z, a-z, 52 max)
BILLPRC(IBIFN,ARRAY) | ; return array of ICD procedures on bill, ARRAY(PRC,DATE,X)="" pass by reference
PTFPS(DFN,IBPTF,IBFDT,IBTDT) | ; this will return a list of professional
; services from the ptf records. If no date range specified, then ; it will return all services for that ptf entry. ; return: ^utility($j,"IB",count for event,count for procedures) = ; pices: 1 = procedure ; 2 = date (only if new date) ; 3 = sequentual grouping letter (only if new date) ; 4 = "+" to flag as CPT 4 procedure ; 5 = if exemption applicable, info for that ; 6-9 = assoc dx in order ; 10 = quantity ; 11-12 = modifiers ; 13 = provider ; 14 = location |
EXEMPT | ; exemption reasons
P | ||
D |