Source file <IBCU75.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CMN(IBXIEN,IBPROCP) | ;JRA;IB*2.0*608 Prompt user for CMN info
CMNREQ | ; Set DR with logic for 1st 3 fields: "CMN Required?", "Form Type" and "Certification Type"
FRMTYP | ;Entry point to set DR with logic for "Form Type" and "Certification Type" fields in preparation for re-prompting.
CERTYP | ;Entry point to set DR with logic for "Certification Type" field in preparation for re-prompting.
DRCOMM | ;Set DR with logic for the remaining fields common to all form types
RRDT | ;Entry point to set DR with logic for "Recertification/Revision Date"... fields in preparation for re-prompting.
STRTDT | ;Entry point to set DR with logic for "Date Therapy Started"... fields in preparation for re-prompting.
DR484 | ;Set DR with logic specific for form CMN-484
DR10126 | ;Set DR with logic specific to the CMN-10126
COPYCMN(IBXIEN,IBPROCP,FRMTYP) | ;Copy CMN information from last procedure entered that has it to current procedure
USEROK(FLD,OLDVAL,MSG) | ;JRA;IB*2.0*608 Prompt user if OK to change field value
SETFLD(FLD,VAL) | ;JRA;IB*2.0*608 Set/Delete field data w/out user prompting
DTCHK(X,TDY,TAG,DTOLD) | ;JRA;IB*2.0*608 Check if future date entered by user
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |