Source file <IBCU7U.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DELCPT(IBIFN,OLDDA) | ; delete a CPT code from a bill
; Input: OLDDA = ifn of cpt in bill cpt multiple to be deleted |
EDITCPT(IBIFN,OLDDA,NEWCPT) | ; replace a CPT code on the bill with another CPT code
; Input: OLDDA = ifn of cpt in bill cpt multiple to be replaced ; NEWCPT = ifn of cpt code to be added |
COPYCPT(IBIFN,OLDDA,NEWCPT) | ; add a new CPT and populate date fields with data from an existing bill cpt
; Input: OLDDA = ifn of cpt in bill cpt multiple to be copied ; NEWCPT = ifn of cpt code to be added |
ADDCPT(IBIFN,SDLN) | ; add a new CPT code to a bill and populate it's data based on clinical data
; Input: SDLN - data line from ^UTILITY($J,"CPT-CNT" created in VST^IBCCPT ; ^utility($j,cpt-cnt,count)=code^date^on bill^is BASC^divis^nb^nb mess^provider^clinic^mod,mod^Opt Enc Ptr |
GETSD(IBIFN) | ; get the procedures from the clinical data covered by the bill
; Output: ^UTILITY($J,"CPT-CNT",X)= ... (from VST^IBCCPT) ; ^UTILITY($J,"CPT-CLN",CPT,EVDT)= ... |