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Routine: IBDEI00O


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IBDEI00O ; ; 01-AUG-2022
 Q:'DIFQR(358.3)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of left lung
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of oth parts of nervous system
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone marrow
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of right adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of left adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Secondary malignant neoplasm of intrapelvic nodes
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified
 ;;=3^Mesothelioma of pleura
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of pleura
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage, unsp
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, unsp
 ;;=3^Malig neoplasm of prph nerves and autonm nervous sys, unsp
 ;;=3^Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified
 ;;=3^Melanoma in situ, unspecified
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of lip
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of lip
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of unspecified parts of face
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of nose
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of face
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of unspecified parts of face
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of nose
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of face
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of scalp and neck
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of scalp and neck
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of anal skin
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of breast
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of other part of trunk
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of anal skin
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of breast
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of other part of trunk
 ;;=3^Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of brain, unspecified
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of cortex of right adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of cortex of left adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of medulla of right adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of medulla of left adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of unsp part of right adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Malignant neoplasm of unsp part of left adrenal gland
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right ear/external auric canal
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left ear/external auric canal
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right ear/external auric canal
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left ear/external auric canal
 ;;=3^Basal cell cardinoma of skin of left upper eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma skin of left lower eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma skin of right lower eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Basal cell carcinoma skin of right upper eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma skin of left lower eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma skin of left upper eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma skin of right lower eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Squamous cell carcinoma skin of right upper eyelid,incl canthus
 ;;=3^Acute promyelocytic leukemia, not having achieved remission
 ;;=3^Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, not having achieved remission
 ;;=3^Acute myeloblastic leukemia, not having achieved remission
 ;;=3^Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, in remission
 ;;=3^Acute promyelocytic leukemia, in remission
 ;;=3^Acute myeloblastic leukemia, in remission
 ;;=3^Acute myeloblastic leukemia, in relapse
 ;;=3^Acute promyelocytic leukemia, in relapse
 ;;=3^Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, in relapse